Thursday, December 27, 2012

In Your Right Mind for 2013

The year is coming to an end, and you begin to realize that maybe you have a bit more on your mind than you're willing to admit. Maybe looking back on the past year through slightly older eyes has led you to detect some unexposed adversities, or resurface old wounds that you once thought were healed. The mind is such a powerful thing, and going into 2013 with a cluttered conscious could potentially lead to negative energy taking over your mood, actions, and even your body. Mental stress is nothing to play around with. It can cause fatigue, headaches, and dramatically decrease your self-esteem. So why wouldn't you declutter your mind to increase personal productivity to start 2013 off right?!

Arm yourself with a pen and paper. Writing down the things that are eating you inside can prove to be a huge mental cleanser; as long as you are 100% honest with yourself, that is. It will help you to verbalize the non-verbal and confront your problems face to face. Start by jotting down everything on your mind. Take a step back and look at it; what stands out to you and what issues do you feel are contributing to your mental clutter the most? Once you've found out what's been picking at your brain, further dissect those annoyances by answering those same questions. It's easier to solve a problem written out in front of you, than solving one that's floating around in your head.

BREATHE! Simple breathing techniques can be instant mood changers. Start by trying deep breathing exercises, or "diaphragmatic breathing." This easy to learn method sends signals to your brain, telling it to calm down and relax. First, have a seat and get comfortable  then take a few deep breaths to slow your breathing down. Begin taking in air through your nose from your abdomen for a count of six. This will allow more air to flow through your lungs, while giving you more energy and calming your heart rate  After practicing inhalation a few times, start exhaling through your mouth for a count of seven or eight. Try not to let the air burst out of your body after inhaling. Do this for about 15 minutes and wal-la! You can once again stop and smell and happily appreciate the roses, so don't forget to breathe!

Doodle out your mind's content. Similar to writing, doodling is another way to get your mental frustrations out on paper. Instead of being formed into direct prose, doodling is more abstract and has nothing to figure out. The darkness, length, and shape of your lines tell the story. Remember how relaxed you'd feel when the teacher would be talking about covalent bonds, and you'd be drawing some horrible rendition of Tweety Bird.  Your focus is pinned on the details of the image you are creating, diverting it away from those mentally fatiguing thoughts. Although you might not be in school, it's more than OK to doodle.

Me, myself, and I. With the million and two things that need to be taken care of in your life, you might forget to take care of you, and that's a no-no. Take a little time to rekindle your relationship with yourself: Go out for dinner, treat yourself to a spa day, go out with friends, or relax in a nice bubble bath. Maintaining a healthy relationship with oneself is vital to keeping one's sanity.

Sleep on it. You need sleep almost as much as you need air. Give your brain the rest it needs. It cannot function properly without sleep, therefore you cannot function properly; the theory is brilliant  Being drowsy can not only make you extremely irritable, anxious, and unable to concentrate, but it can also slow down your reaction time enough to make it seem as though you had one drink too many. Increase your daily yieldings in 2013 by including nice doses of sleep into your schedule.

Basically: Good Thoughts - Bad thoughts = Less Mental Stress & a Better 2013!

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